Genealogy Junky Blogpost Menu

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Remembering Aunt Lallie
The life and times of my grandmother's favorite aunt, pieced together through memoirs, journals, documents, and photographs.

An Honor To Be Indexed
I was surprised to find that my grandmother was documenting my existence, for posterity.

Will Work For Passage
An ancestor who indentured himself to servitude in return for passage to the New World.

A Gift From Beyond To Be Thankful For
Receiving a message on Thanksgiving Day from a stranger who holds a piece of my family's past.

Family Once Removed
When I can't connect with living relatives, I can still find a sense of family in my ancestors.

Truth Be Damned (?)
The facts of history cannot be changed, painful though they may be.

The inbreeding among the royal houses of Europe, and in the small towns of the early American States, was just spectacular!

Never Settle
The Beaucondray family did settle... again and again and again...

The Family Business
Some occupations seem to run in the family.

The (X) Files
Taking possession of my grandmother's extensive ancestral research files.

Oh Happy Day
It was just a really great day.

Brothers In Arms
The Odom brothers fight to stay together while fighting the American Civil War.

My Great Great Discovery
Breaking a brick wall to find Peter Barrows, my Grandfather's Grandfather.

They're Coming to America!
The Biancos' arrive from Italy and raise an American family.

What's In A Name?
Repetitive family names can be a blessing AND a curse!

A Charmed Life
The life of Rosina Lotz-Elhers, a formidable woman of Colonial America.

Some Gave All
John Hall Owings Jr and the Death March of Bataan.

Knowledge Is Power
Knowing who I came from helps to make me who I am.

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